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This section explains the conventions used in articles on this website:
UML general usage
In LSE/OS, UML is used for modelling only, not for generating code.
UML Class diagrams
LSE/OS is entirely written in C so when we are using class diagrams, it is a conceptual view of the reality. Exemple for a class t_stuff with a method make(), it will mean that there is a C function called stuff_make(). Class variables becomes static global variables. Object variables are stored in classical C structures.

typedef struct { /* fields */ } t_foo; typedef struct { /* fields */ } t_bar; typedef struct { t_foo *foo; t_bar bar; int dummy; } t_stuff; void stuff_make(t_stuff *this) { /* code */ }
Process Views
In process views, tasks are represented by circles. Interruptible tasks are represented by a continuous line, non interruptible tasks are represented dash