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Who are we?
Actually we are a team of developper involved in various other projects like embedded systems, security companies. We are open to new contributions, you can be a LSE/OS developper also (check LSE/OS page on sourceforge)!

What is LSE/OS?
LSE/OS is a simple and powerful operating system for the x86 architecture. It includes 32bit task management and a modern memory manager. It could be used in industrial PCs as well as desktops or for academic purposes.

Did you write LSE/OS from scratch?
LSE/OS is a distribution of LSE/OS, an operating system fully dedicated to the x86 specific extensions written by some students and engineers of the EPITA System Laboratory (also know as LSE). Actually LSE/OS is more than a distribution since the team is one of the main maintainer of the LSE/OS operating system and submits new kernel files and patches in the lseos sourceforge repository.

Why using LSE/OS specifically?
LSE/OS has entirely been designed upon the task management capabilities of the x86 processor. LSE/OS is at our sense the operating system that approaches the must what the x86 specifications intended for an operating system to be. LSE/OS is entirely written in C but also has only the minimum assembly calls necessary to make things working. You will see more on the LSE/OS specificities in the various articles present in this website.

What are the goals of the LSE/OS team?
Our goal is to develop the best possible operating system for the x86 architecture. Our secondary goal is to expose all the architecture details of the wonderful x86 processor (task management, security, etc) through a powerful, dedicated operating system.

Is LSE/OS open source?
Yes, LSE/OS is fully open source and documented. LSE/OS is licensed to BSD, meaning you can do mostly what you want with the source code (redistribute, sell it, etc).

Why using the BSD license?
Mostly for historical reasons. All the items present in the source distribution have been carefully checked to match the BSD licensing requirements.