
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 ** icmp.h for  in /home/anoman/work/lse/lseos/lseos-net/inet
00003 ** 
00004 ** Copyright (c)2004 Arthur Kopatsy
00005 ** Login   <kopats_a@epita.fr>
00006 ** 
00007 ** Started on  Wed Oct 20 14:49:39 2004 Arthur Kopatsy
00008 ** Last update Fri Dec  3 23:29:22 2004 Arthur Kopatsy
00009 */
00011 #ifndef ICMP_H_
00012 #define ICMP_H_
00014 struct s_icmp_hdr
00015 {
00016   u_int8_t              icmp_type;
00017   u_int8_t              icmp_code;
00018   u_int16_t             icmp_sum;
00019   union {
00020     struct {
00021       u_int16_t icmp_id;
00022       u_int16_t icmp_seq;
00023     } icmp_echo;
00024     u_int32_t   icmp_gw;
00025     struct {
00026       u_int16_t icmp_unused;
00027       u_int16_t icmp_mtu;
00028     } icmp_frag;
00029   } icmp_info;
00030 } __attribute__ ((packed));
00032 #define ICMP_HEADER_LEN sizeof (struct s_icmp_hdr)
00034 #ifdef __INET__
00036 struct s_icmp_action
00037 {
00038   u_int8_t              icmp_type;
00039   void                  (*icmp_action)(struct s_pkbuf *pk);
00040 };
00042 struct s_icmp_snd
00043 {
00044   TAILQ_ENTRY(s_icmp_snd)       icmp_next;
00045   struct s_data_buf             *icmp_data;
00046   size_t                        icmp_data_size;
00047 };
00049 TAILQ_HEAD(s_icmp_sndq, s_icmp_snd);
00051 struct s_icmp_pcb
00052 {
00053   LIST_ENTRY(s_icmp_pcb)        icmp_next;
00054   int                           icmp_lock;
00055   struct s_in_pcb               *icmp_in_pcb;
00056   struct s_pkq                  icmp_rcvq;
00057   struct s_icmp_sndq            icmp_sndq;
00058   int64_t                       icmp_holders;
00059 };
00061 LIST_HEAD(s_icmp_pcb_list, s_icmp_pcb);
00063 struct s_icmp_proto_info
00064 {
00065   struct s_in_pcb_list          in_pcb;
00066   struct s_icmp_pcb_list        icmp_pcb;
00067 };
00069 #endif
00071 /* 
00072 ** ICMP types
00073 */
00075 #define ICMP_REPLY              0
00076 #define ICMP_ECHO               8
00077 #define ICMP_DEST_UNREACH       3
00079 /*
00080 ** Codes for UNREACH
00081 */
00083 #define ICMP_NET_UNREACH        0       /* Network Unreachable          */
00084 #define ICMP_HOST_UNREACH       1       /* Host Unreachable             */
00085 #define ICMP_PROT_UNREACH       2       /* Protocol Unreachable         */
00086 #define ICMP_PORT_UNREACH       3       /* Port Unreachable             */
00087 #define ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED        4       /* Fragmentation Needed/DF set  */
00088 #define ICMP_SR_FAILED          5       /* Source Route failed          */
00089 #define ICMP_NET_UNKNOWN        6
00090 #define ICMP_HOST_UNKNOWN       7
00091 #define ICMP_HOST_ISOLATED      8
00092 #define ICMP_NET_ANO            9
00093 #define ICMP_HOST_ANO           10
00094 #define ICMP_NET_UNR_TOS        11
00095 #define ICMP_HOST_UNR_TOS       12
00096 #define ICMP_PKT_FILTERED       13      /* Packet filtered */
00097 #define ICMP_PREC_VIOLATION     14      /* Precedence violation */
00098 #define ICMP_PREC_CUTOFF        15      /* Precedence cut off */
00099 #define NR_ICMP_UNREACH         15      /* instead of hardcoding immediate value */
00101 /* PROTO icmp.c */
00102 #ifdef __INET__
00103 /* icmp.c */
00104 void icmp_proto_init(void);
00105 int icmp_attach(struct s_socket *so);
00106 int icmp_detach(struct s_socket *so);
00107 int icmp_send(struct s_socket *so, struct s_data_buf *data, size_t data_size, struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen);
00108 size_t icmp_recv(struct s_socket *so, pid_t pid, struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t *salen, vaddr_t uaddr, size_t usize);
00109 void icmp_unreach_send(struct in_addr *dst_addr, u_int8_t code);
00110 void icmp_echo(struct s_pkbuf *pk);
00111 void icmp_dump(struct s_pkbuf *pk);
00112 int aa_icmp_input(struct s_pkbuf *pk);
00113 #endif /* __INET__ */
00114 #endif

Generated on Wed May 24 23:05:52 2006 for LSE/OS by  doxygen 1.4.6