
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 ** sig.h for lseos in lseos-lib/libc/posix
00003 ** 
00004 ** Copyright (c)2004 Vianney Rancurel
00005 ** Login   <>
00006 ** 
00007 ** Started on  Tue May 18 16:57:22 2004 Vianney Rancurel
00008 ** Last update Mon Nov 29 18:59:27 2004 Vianney Rancurel
00009 */
00010 #ifndef __POSIX_SIG_H__
00011 #define __POSIX_SIG_H__ 1
00013 typedef struct  s_sigdef
00014 {
00015   int           not_avail;
00016   vaddr_t       vaddr;  
00017   int           nb_pgs;
00018 }               t_sigdef;
00021 /* PROTO sig.c */
00022 /* sig.c */
00023 void sig_init(void);
00024 void sig_dump(void);
00025 void sigset_print(t_printf_fn printf_fn, char *s, sigset_t *set, int invert);
00026 int sigaltstack(const stack_t *ss, stack_t *oss);
00027 int sigaction(int sig, const struct sigaction *act, struct sigaction *oact);
00028 int siginterrupt(int sig, int flag);
00029 sig_t signal(int sig, sig_t handler);
00030 #endif

Generated on Wed May 24 23:04:17 2006 for LSE/OS by  doxygen 1.4.6