
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 ** types.h for lseos in lseos-lib/libc/sysinterf
00003 ** 
00004 ** Copyright (c)2004 Vianney Rancurel
00005 ** Login   <vianney@epita.fr>
00006 ** 
00007 ** Started on  Fri Apr 30 10:49:17 2004 Vianney Rancurel
00008 ** Last update Mon Nov 29 17:55:46 2004 Vianney Rancurel
00009 */
00010 #ifndef __SYSINTERF_TYPES_H__
00011 #define __SYSINTERF_TYPES_H__
00013 /* many ways of seeing integers */
00015 typedef signed char             int8_t;         /* ANSI C99 */
00016 typedef short                   int16_t;        /* ANSI C99 */
00017 typedef int                     int32_t;        /* ANSI C99 */
00018 typedef long long               int64_t;        /* ANSI C99 */
00019 typedef unsigned char           uint8_t;        /* ANSI C99 */
00020 typedef unsigned short int      uint16_t;       /* ANSI C99 */
00021 typedef unsigned int            uint32_t;       /* ANSI C99 */
00022 typedef unsigned long long int  uint64_t;       /* ANSI C99 */
00023 typedef long                    intptr_t;       /* ANSI C99 optional */
00024 typedef unsigned long           uintptr_t;      /* ANSI C99 optional */
00025 typedef int64_t                 longlong_t;     /* ANSI */
00026 typedef uint64_t                u_longlong_t;   /* ANSI */
00028 typedef unsigned char           u_int8_t;       /* BSD */
00029 typedef unsigned short          u_int16_t;      /* BSD */
00030 typedef unsigned int            u_int32_t;      /* BSD */
00031 typedef unsigned long long      u_int64_t;      /* BSD */
00033 typedef unsigned char           u_char;         /* BSD */
00034 typedef unsigned short          u_short;        /* BSD */
00035 typedef unsigned int            u_int;          /* BSD */
00036 typedef unsigned long           u_long;         /* BSD */
00038 typedef u_int64_t               u_quad_t;       /* BSD */
00039 typedef int64_t                 quad_t;         /* BSD */
00040 typedef quad_t *                qaddr_t;        /* BSD */
00042 typedef unsigned char           unchar;         /* Sys V */
00043 typedef unsigned short          ushort;         /* Sys V */
00044 typedef unsigned int            uint;           /* Sys V */
00045 typedef unsigned long           ulong;          /* Sys V */
00047 /* named types */
00049 typedef int32_t         register_t;     
00050 typedef u_long          cpuid_t;        
00051 typedef u_long          paddr_t;        
00052 typedef u_long          vaddr_t;        
00053 typedef u_long          kaddr_t;        
00054 typedef int64_t         blkcnt_t;       
00055 typedef u_int32_t       blksize_t;      
00056 typedef char            *caddr_t;       
00057 typedef int32_t         daddr_t;        
00058 typedef u_int32_t       dev_t;          
00059 typedef u_int32_t       fixpt_t;        
00060 typedef u_int32_t       gid_t;          
00061 typedef u_int32_t       id_t;           
00062 typedef u_int32_t       ino_t;          
00063 typedef long            key_t;          
00064 typedef u_int32_t       mode_t;         
00065 typedef u_int16_t       umode_t;        
00066 typedef u_int32_t       nlink_t;        
00067 typedef quad_t          off_t;          
00068 typedef int64_t         pid_t;          
00069 typedef int64_t         asid_t;         
00070 typedef int64_t         resid_t;        
00071 typedef quad_t          rlim_t;         
00072 typedef int32_t         segsz_t;        
00073 typedef int32_t         swblk_t;        
00074 typedef u_int32_t       uid_t;          
00075 typedef int32_t         dtime_t;        
00076 typedef u_int           size_t;         
00077 typedef signed int      ssize_t;        
00078 typedef long            time_t;         
00079 typedef int64_t         fpos_t;         
00080 typedef u_int32_t       in_addr_t;      
00081 typedef u_int16_t       in_port_t;      
00083 #endif

Generated on Wed May 24 23:04:17 2006 for LSE/OS by  doxygen 1.4.6