core_tcb.c File Reference

#include "core.h"


#define DEBUG_RUNQ   (1<<0u)
#define DEBUG   (0)
#define AUTOWAIT(tcb)
#define TCBCHECKERR(Status)


void tcb_init ()
descriptorgdt_get (int idxsel)
s_tcb_full * get_tcb_from_idxsel (u_int idxsel, int type, int *err)
s_tcb_full * get_tcb_from_pid1 (pid_t pid)
s_tcb_full * get_tcb_from_pid2 (pid_t pid)
void sys_tcbsizepg (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_tcbreg (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_lname (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_lclass (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void usig_reset (struct s_tcb_full *tcb)
void asop_i (struct s_tcb_full *tcb, struct s_as_full *ref_as, u_int32_t mode)
void sys_asop (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void tcb_run (struct s_tcb_full *tcb)
void tcb_sleep (struct s_tcb_full *tcb)
void tcb_stop (struct s_tcb_full *tcb)
void tcb_dead (struct s_tcb_full *tcb, char *s)
void tcb_zombie (struct s_tcb_full *tcb)
void sys_lstatus (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_ltrace (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_lep (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_ltss (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_sgdt (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_lidt (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_sidt (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_stcb (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_stcb2 (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys___sfulltcb2 (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_ssig (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_slink (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys___sfulllink (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_llinkret (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_ioacquire (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_iorele (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
int gdtrsv (int nb_sels)
void sys_rcr3 (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void runqs_init ()
void runq_print (int cpu)
void sys_setrunq (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_setrunq2 (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_remrunq (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_remrunq2 (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
int asq (struct s_as_full *as)
int asdeq (struct s_as_full *as)
int tcbq (struct s_tcb_full *tcb)
int tcbdeq (struct s_tcb_full *tcb)
void sys_runq (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_setpgid (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_reparent (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_clearbsy (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_setbsy (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_exit (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_sclass (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_spid (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_sppid (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_sppid2 (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_spgid (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_spgid2 (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_getsel (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_sasid (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_sinfo (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_procdef (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_tcbunreg (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_ptrace (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_notify (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_lfpu (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_sfpu (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_sq_gate (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_nicepid (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void sys_vm86 (struct s_tcb_full *caller)
void tcb_check (char *s)
void runq_check (char *s)


vaddr_t core_blankpgdir
vaddr_t raw_except_vpage
vaddr_t vpt2
vaddr_t core_vpage1
paddr_t pgdt
s_idt idt [MAX_CPUS]
t_area_set kern_set
s_as_list ass [ASID_HSIZE]
pid_t next_pid
s_tcb_full * coresrv
t_corestats corestats [MAX_CPUS]
int nb_cpus = 1
s_tcb_list procs
s_tcb_list tcbs [PID_HSIZE]
pid_t notify_mgr_pid = (pid_t)-1
pid_t security_mgr_pid = (pid_t)-1
t_runq runqs [MAX_CPUS]
static union descriptor tmp_descs [512]

Define Documentation

#define AUTOWAIT tcb   ) 


if (notify_mgr_tcb)\
      tcb->status = TCBS_ZOMBIE;\
      tcb->flags |= TCBF_WAITDONE;\
      tcb_dead(tcb, "tcb_zombie");\

#define DEBUG   (0)

#define DEBUG_RUNQ   (1<<0u)

#define TCBCHECKERR Status   ) 


cprintf("%s %d tcb 0x%x pid 0x%qx idxsel %d\n",\
 s, (Status), tcb, tcb->pid, IDXSEL(tcb->sel));

Function Documentation

int asdeq struct s_as_full *  as  ) 

void asop_i struct s_tcb_full *  tcb,
struct s_as_full *  ref_as,
u_int32_t  mode

int asq struct s_as_full *  as  ) 

union descriptor* gdt_get int  idxsel  ) 

int gdtrsv int  nb_sels  ) 

struct s_tcb_full* get_tcb_from_idxsel u_int  idxsel,
int  type,
int *  err

struct s_tcb_full* get_tcb_from_pid1 pid_t  pid  ) 

struct s_tcb_full* get_tcb_from_pid2 pid_t  pid  ) 

void runq_check char *  s  ) 

void runq_print int  cpu  ) 

void runqs_init  ) 

void sys___sfulllink struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys___sfulltcb2 struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_asop struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_clearbsy struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_exit struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_getsel struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_ioacquire struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_iorele struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_lclass struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_lep struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_lfpu struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_lidt struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

sanity/security checks:

1) if entry is a taskgate, check that tss exists and caller has the appropriate rights to do it. a) task must be a TCBC_SERVICE. 2) Don't authorize other types for now.

void sys_llinkret struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_lname struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_lstatus struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_ltrace struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_ltss struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_nicepid struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_notify struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_procdef struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_ptrace struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_rcr3 struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_remrunq struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_remrunq2 struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_reparent struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_runq struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_sasid struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_sclass struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_setbsy struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_setpgid struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_setrunq struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_setrunq2 struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_sfpu struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_sgdt struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_sidt struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_sinfo struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_slink struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_spgid struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_spgid2 struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_spid struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_sppid struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_sppid2 struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_sq_gate struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_ssig struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_stcb struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_stcb2 struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_tcbreg struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_tcbsizepg struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_tcbunreg struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void sys_vm86 struct s_tcb_full *  caller  ) 

void tcb_check char *  s  ) 

void tcb_dead struct s_tcb_full *  tcb,
char *  s

void tcb_init  ) 

void tcb_run struct s_tcb_full *  tcb  ) 

void tcb_sleep struct s_tcb_full *  tcb  ) 

void tcb_stop struct s_tcb_full *  tcb  ) 

void tcb_zombie struct s_tcb_full *  tcb  ) 

int tcbdeq struct s_tcb_full *  tcb  ) 

int tcbq struct s_tcb_full *  tcb  ) 

void usig_reset struct s_tcb_full *  tcb  ) 

Variable Documentation

struct s_as_list ass[ASID_HSIZE]

vaddr_t core_blankpgdir

vaddr_t core_vpage1

struct s_tcb_full* coresrv

t_corestats corestats[MAX_CPUS]

union descriptor* gdt

struct s_idt idt[MAX_CPUS]

t_area_set kern_set

int nb_cpus = 1

pid_t next_pid

pid_t notify_mgr_pid = (pid_t)-1

paddr_t pgdt

struct s_tcb_list procs

vaddr_t raw_except_vpage

t_runq runqs[MAX_CPUS]

pid_t security_mgr_pid = (pid_t)-1

struct s_tcb_list tcbs[PID_HSIZE]

union descriptor tmp_descs[512] [static]

vaddr_t vpt2

Generated on Wed May 24 23:05:53 2006 for LSE/OS by  doxygen 1.4.6