inetfs.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  s_entry
struct  s_of
struct  s_inetfs_syscall
struct  s_entry_type_op


#define ENTRY_TYPE_DIR   ((1<<1) | 1)
#define ENTRY_TYPE_IFACE_DIR   ((2<<1) | 1)
#define ENTRY_TYPE_ROUTE_DIR   ((3<<1) | 1)
#define ENTRY_TYPE_UINT32   (2<<1)
#define ENTRY_TYPE_STRING   (3<<1)
#define ENTRY_TYPE_IPADDR   (4<<1)
#define ENTRY_TYPE_MACADDR   (6<<1)
#define ENTRY_TYPE_ROUTE   (8<<1)
#define ENTRY_TYPE_SOCKET_TCP   (9<<1)


typedef void(* t_change_fun )(struct s_of *of)
typedef s_entry t_entry
typedef s_of t_of
typedef void(* t_sys_fcn )(t_tcb *caller)
typedef s_inetfs_syscall t_inetfs_syscall
typedef int(* t_read_fun )(pid_t pid, t_of *of, char *ubuf, size_t usize)
typedef int(* t_write_fun )(pid_t pid, t_of *of, char *ubuf, size_t size)
typedef int(* t_create_entry_fun )(struct s_entry *father, char *filename, struct s_entry **new)
typedef void(* t_unlink_entry_fun )(t_entry *father, char *filename)
typedef s_entry_type_op t_entry_type_op


t_inetfs_syscall inetfs_syscalls []
const t_entry_type_op inetfs_entry_types_op []

Define Documentation

#define ENTRY_TYPE_DIR   ((1<<1) | 1)

#define ENTRY_TYPE_IFACE_DIR   ((2<<1) | 1)

#define ENTRY_TYPE_IPADDR   (4<<1)

#define ENTRY_TYPE_MACADDR   (6<<1)

#define ENTRY_TYPE_ROUTE   (8<<1)

#define ENTRY_TYPE_ROUTE_DIR   ((3<<1) | 1)

#define ENTRY_TYPE_SOCKET_TCP   (9<<1)

#define ENTRY_TYPE_STRING   (3<<1)

#define ENTRY_TYPE_UINT32   (2<<1)


Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* t_change_fun)(struct s_of *of)

typedef int(* t_create_entry_fun)(struct s_entry *father, char *filename, struct s_entry **new)

typedef struct s_entry t_entry

typedef struct s_entry_type_op t_entry_type_op

typedef struct s_inetfs_syscall t_inetfs_syscall

typedef struct s_of t_of

typedef int(* t_read_fun)(pid_t pid, t_of *of, char *ubuf, size_t usize)

typedef void(* t_sys_fcn)(t_tcb *caller)

typedef void(* t_unlink_entry_fun)(t_entry *father, char *filename)

typedef int(* t_write_fun)(pid_t pid, t_of *of, char *ubuf, size_t size)

Variable Documentation

const t_entry_type_op inetfs_entry_types_op[]

t_inetfs_syscall inetfs_syscalls[]

Generated on Wed May 24 23:06:03 2006 for LSE/OS by  doxygen 1.4.6